I started last month but after two days I'd had enough. It was hard and no one talked and it was just slow and stupid and I have my own real life. I kept seeing these blogs though and I thought that maybe I'd give it another chance this week. I'm glad I did because it's been pretty fun.
The main thing that gets me is that there's no goal. People just kind of walk around and shop and sell things. But I don't build and I don't have any kind of art skills to make clothes and I don't really want to do those things anyway. I knew I wouldn't stick around without a goal though so now I've set one, thanks to the Fab Free blog that Cherlindrea Lamont has.
My goal in Second Life is to look as great as I can and have as much fun as possible without spending more than $5L a day.
I have a little money thanks to Hippie Pay. If I stick to my $5L a day rule, my current money supply will last 42 days. Pretty cool, ch'know?
I will admit that I started off my venture by dropping a little change at first through SL Exchange last month. I bought a skin and shape and an animation overrider thing. I guess maybe I spent like $2500L.
I know people say that having fun costs money but why? And looking good costs money? No it doesn't. I think I have a really cute avatar and I don't even wear the skin that I bought.
I'm not as good as Cherlindrea at hunting out freebies. I don't want to copy her blog either because she's great and I hope to meet her in SL one day. But I hope I can give you all some tips and tricks to enjoying SL on a pauper's budget.
Alicia's Tip Of The Day: At Calla [SLURL] there are FOUR free women's skins & shapes with L'Oreal makeup.

I didn't like the shapes very much but they are not terrible either. The only complaint I have with the skins is that they are very Barbie in the lower half and by that I mean that the part that makes us women is not there. If you are single like me or you just never take your clothes off, this isn't a big deal. There are nipples and a cute butt. Since the skins are free, who cares about the girl bits? As you can see the makeup is very pretty and that's what you're really looking for.
If you have more tips for me, pass them along. Living a great life in SL doesn't have to break the bank, ch'know?