Then it happened. Sophia gave me a meeroo. She instructed me to go get a home and some food for the little creature. The food is pretty dirt cheap [$225L for a 4 week supply for 1 meeroo], and the home was only $250L. I figure if I grow bored of it, I pass the meeroo back to Sophia and all I'm really out is about the cost of a pair of plain shoes. Not a bad deal.
But oh! I wasn't prepared for the CUTENESS.

I rezzed her out and she promptly curled up for a little nap. I gained a regard point on the HUD thing when the Oracle asked me a trivia question [gah! cuteness AND trivia! how can i resist?!], and Sophia helped me learn how to set the range and activity level for Biscuit. Her name was Sammy when she came to me, but I renamed her Biscuit in honor of my RL bestie.
I'm freakin' in love with this thing right now. I picked her up and she grabbed her toes! After I put her back down and she woke up, she made the cutest little noises ever!! I watched her just gallop around while I sat and waited for more trivia questions from the Oracle.

Seriously, I cannot believe how SWEET these things are. Just as precious as can be!! I do not plan to breed Biscuit because A, I'd like to think that I have the ability to learn a lesson, and B, I really just want a pet to play with, but you never know what could happen. I don't think I'll breed her, though. She can stay virgin pure.
Thank goodness I got this. I was *this* close to thinking about adopting a kid avatar.
Oh, and I totally knocked my inventory count down tonight. No more 80k for me! I'm riding pretty at 74,900 and I realized I attach way too many memories and stuff to virtual goods.
Well, and I seem to be a packrat who forgets that in her inventory lies the dumbest things the grid has to offer. But hey, we all have our faults, am I right?