Monday, May 30, 2011


I had told myself I would never ever get involved with another breedable in SL again after the whole cat thing. I didn't need the hassle or to feel like I couldn't express an opinion about it again, you know? But the Meeroos started to interest me. I knew they were cute. I knew some of my friends were taking more of an interest in logging into SL than they had done in a while. I'd heard tales of big shot creators dropping their work and running just because the Meeroo wanted a cuddle. I started to think more about getting one, especially since I don't have much else to do in SL at the moment.

Then it happened. Sophia gave me a meeroo. She instructed me to go get a home and some food for the little creature. The food is pretty dirt cheap [$225L for a 4 week supply for 1 meeroo], and the home was only $250L. I figure if I grow bored of it, I pass the meeroo back to Sophia and all I'm really out is about the cost of a pair of plain shoes. Not a bad deal.

But oh! I wasn't prepared for the CUTENESS.

Hey! Wake up!

I rezzed her out and she promptly curled up for a little nap. I gained a regard point on the HUD thing when the Oracle asked me a trivia question [gah! cuteness AND trivia! how can i resist?!], and Sophia helped me learn how to set the range and activity level for Biscuit. Her name was Sammy when she came to me, but I renamed her Biscuit in honor of my RL bestie.

I'm freakin' in love with this thing right now. I picked her up and she grabbed her toes! After I put her back down and she woke up, she made the cutest little noises ever!! I watched her just gallop around while I sat and waited for more trivia questions from the Oracle.


Seriously, I cannot believe how SWEET these things are. Just as precious as can be!! I do not plan to breed Biscuit because A, I'd like to think that I have the ability to learn a lesson, and B, I really just want a pet to play with, but you never know what could happen. I don't think I'll breed her, though. She can stay virgin pure.

Thank goodness I got this. I was *this* close to thinking about adopting a kid avatar.

Oh, and I totally knocked my inventory count down tonight. No more 80k for me! I'm riding pretty at 74,900 and I realized I attach way too many memories and stuff to virtual goods.

Well, and I seem to be a packrat who forgets that in her inventory lies the dumbest things the grid has to offer. But hey, we all have our faults, am I right?

Inventory cleaning

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Remember the Alamo!

Finally made it! All my blogging/SL responsibilities are over and summer can begin. I was hit with some RL bad stuff last week [which if you follow me on plurk or read my other blog, you know about and I won't get into here.] but I'm trying to pull myself out of a very dark funk.

So since I didn't have anything to do yesterday, I decided to check out an Alamo sim that I had seen advertised on SL's Facebook page. Being from Texas, I've been to the Alamo probably 5 or 6 times in my life, and I was interested to see how it would look. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was on a sim owned by the university I went to right after high school!

[Only went one semester, but I still claim it as where I went to school. Shush. :)]

It was pretty well done, and since it's in the destination guide, of course some newbies were milling around. A girl asked if we could all pose in a picture with her, and never being one to shy away from a camera in SL, I agreed right away.

The Alamo!

Looks like a field trip picture!

One of the funniest things was that the newbie guy in the big sneakers asked the girl in the pirate gown if she'd be his girlfriend in here. My fingers sometimes move before I can stop them, so immediately I replied, "Oh for pete's sake." But the girl, bless her, was way more polite than me and told him that she had a boyfriend already, but they could be friends.

I really do love the sims that look like real life places. I know, I know. People always immediately go for the fantasy in Second Life, and I do like that, too. But I think recreating a real world place, and doing it WELL, takes an awful lot of talent. Plus, I've always wanted to really travel, and I'm unable to do so, so it's like getting to travel for free!

I couldn't resist this picture. I always laugh when I see "Don't bring drinks in here!" type of signs and always have the urge to fight the power.

But...I just got this drink!

In other news, Bluebonnet is gearing up to go beachy in the next week or so. I was getting bored with my house, so I yanked everything up. But then I decided to terraform since I have so much open space for a while.

Terraformed my name!

Call me! I'll totally terraform for you, too!

I guess I should dive into my inventory. I haven't really cleaned it in about 3 months, which means that's 3 months of events and review copies that are sitting in there. I just passed the 80k mark and well...that's a little more than nuts, don't you think?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's almost here! It's almost May 28th! May 28th means everything that I've signed on to do in SL will be finished, and I can go back to just hanging out and having fun. Heck, maybe I can even feel right about going and playing Rift for hours again. I don't know how creators do it. I don't like feeling like I HAVE to do something in SL.

But May 28th is coming. I'm not - NOT - signing up to blog any more events for a few months. I would never never give up blogging for the Shoe Fair, and of course RFL is an extremely worthy cause, but I think we have been oversaturated with charity events this year, don't you? I know bad stuff has been happening, but goodness. Charity events are not the new black. When I hear creators say they haven't made a real sale in ages because people only buy their charity item, you have to wonder if it's all worth it. It's good to give to charity, of course, but not at the expense of your own livelihood. I don't know of many people who could say "Oh sure, take my entire paycheck and give it to the Red Cross" in the real world. I think in June, creators should go back to designing just for their own stores. Charity begins at home, and some creators need to work to keep that home standing.

I've been asked about it, but I have no idea if we'll do another Big Bad Blogger Challenge this summer. Although I have enjoyed it the past few years, I don't know if I want to do it again. I think a lot of bloggers in SL have changed. It's more about fashion and charity events than just "This is what I'm doing while hanging out in Second Life." And that's not a bad thing, don't get me wrong. But it does make the challenge a little more difficult. We'll see. If I choose not to run it and someone else wants to do one similar, don't take the name please. :-p

Rylan and Sixx got married last week. It was truly a lovely and touching ceremony and I was so glad to have been there.

Rylan & Sixx

wedding reception

I guess I should get back to taking some shoe pictures.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Yikes, 2 weeks with no update? What is WRONG with me?

Well...nothing, actually. I was just taking a little SL break. After the whole kittycats disaster, I needed some time to recharge. I read a lot of books, and played a lot of Rift. But I'm slowly getting back into the swing of SL things. At least, I better be! I have a wedding to go to this week!

Rylan & Sixx are getting married on Thursday and I'm the DJ! I've never DJed a wedding ceremony before, so I've been up to my eyeballs in wedding music the past few days. We had the rehearsal the other night. Rylan and I look slightly over it. :-p

At the rehearsal

But since I've blogged today, taken care of some offlines left over the past couple of weeks, and gotten tier taken care of, I think it's time for more Rift. :)