Some nights, I just say, "Get on the blue ball/box." He almost never knows what the pose will be and it probably says a lot that he never questions me about it, just gets on whatever I tell him to. Luckily for him, it's always a nice pose. :)
One of my plurk friends has been talking about his upcoming SL wedding, which of course makes me think about ours. I still think it was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen in SL. Now of course, I'm EXTREMELY biased, but still! :-p I can't believe this June makes 3 years that we decided to be together, and in September we'll have been married for 2. I definitely want an anniversary party this year!!
Btw, the pose we're using is from !bang and there's a pose sale going on right now. I love inexpensive couples poses because we rarely use them more than a couple of times, so it's hard to justify buying a lot of them, so I always try to stock up when there are sales. :)
The inner decorator in me came out of retirement yesterday and I managed to re-do our front room. You can't tell from this photo, but there's a lot more stuff in it now. But I decided to take a break from hopping around from store to store looking for knick knacks to do a little reading.
Not reading a book or anything like that. Reading profiles. I love to read profiles!! I'm always super sad when someone doesn't have anything in their picks. I know the web profiles aren't as fun anymore really, but if you're using a TPV like Firestorm [which I have been lately mostly because I like being able to turn group chat off] then the profiles are same as always. So sometimes if I want to be logged in and yet don't want to do anything, I go through my friends list and read profiles. Sometimes they make me think of other people and I have to go searching for their profiles. Or I check one profile and then click on their partner's profile and well, it's just interesting to me!
Yes. I look people up on Facebook all the time, too.
Still in this decorating and style slump lately. It's REALLY getting on my nerves.
Aldwyn asked me if I wanted to go buy a new house tonight just because I seem "stuck" on decorating what we have. But truthfully, Ulaa makes the houses I like the best and there are some she has made that we've never used, so a new home would not be a problem. I think I just need to go buy tons of decor stuff.
The style slump is what's really bothering me, though. I can't put outfits together!! I feel so plain compared to so many of the other bloggers on the feeds. I am cuter than some of them [seriously, what's up with some avatars' faces these days?] but putting together a nice outfit is just not happening. Even yesterday, I was so excited for myself because I'd branched out into some new-to-me stores only to realize that it was my 3rd post in a row that I'd basically worn the same colors. I can't win!!
I think I might just be too picky. I know it's not a bad thing to be picky about what you buy and the quality of items you choose to put on yourself, but I'm starting to think that being TOO picky is hindering my style because I stick with the same things that I know look good on me. Probably something to think about in the future.
I guess I'll go stand around staring at our front room until it's bedtime.
I'm a sucker for doing vendor shots, so whenever anyone asks if someone can come pose for a vendor pic, I go running. Luna asked for some people for a new group pose, so I went. Ever been with some people and just felt a lot more fashionable? That was me tonight.
The actual ad will look a lot better, I'm sure. I just snapped this pic quickly while we were standing there. It's really a cute pose!
After days and days without being together in SL [Okay, like maybe 3], we finally were able to catch up with each other for some couch snuggle time.
Of course, he's had to listen to me take care of my cat while she went into one of her episodes and I listened while he yelled at his computer, but you know. It's all I need some nights.
So in the middle of my decoration non-inspiration phase, I realized that I'm having a style one as well. I cannot put an outfit together to save my life this week. I've bought lots of great pieces, but I can't get anything together. It...well, it sucks, if I'm being honest.
Sometimes I wonder if it's a matter of there being too MUCH great stuff out there. I want this and that and this over here and that over there... and I have an inventory full - FULL - of beautiful items and nothing to wear. I'd probably do myself a huge favor if I'd just take one evening to be utterly ruthless with my inventory. I started to one night not that long ago but after about 30 minutes, I got tired of it and went to do something else. The problems of a shopaholic and blogger, huh?
Speaking of which, I spent a big part of the evening hopping around trying to find some new-to-me stores, or at least some new items in some stores I don't get to a lot. It's kind of fun to just pop a word into search and start hitting a few places. A couple of times, I wondered if I was in someone's house!
Maybe after spending the day out in the sunshine tomorrow [well, hopefully sunshine] I'll shake off the fog that's been around me lately.
Hi, my name is Rain. This is my cat, Philippine. We like nature. I make my own jewelry and soap and sell on Etsy, but my other job is working at a coffee shop that isn't a chain brand. I only eat organic food except for M&Ms. Philippine is on a grain free, holistic diet and only eats hatchery raised fish because ocean fishing can cause problems for the wild population. I'm really into music but mostly indie bands I find on YouTube and street performers, but I like a lot of the late 60s and early 70s stuff, too. My dream is to own a farm where I can raise chickens and spend my time doing art work.
Okay, this is TOTALLY a joke between Aldwyn and me, but I couldn't resist it. I LOVE RAIN. She's the most awesome girl EVER!!
I've watched The Hunger Games probably 3 times this weekend. In addition to the 4 times I saw it in the theater and the few times I've seen it on bluray... well, I guess you could say I'm a fan. :) At the end of the movie is song I really love, which is where the title of today's post comes from.
I'm really tired and not feeling particularly well at the moment, so that's all you get from me tonight.
So I demoed mesh boobs tonight for the first time. I looked utterly ridiculous. LOL
Oh you thought I'd show you from the front? Haha, get real!!! But I did let Aldwyn see them. I think he liked them. They weren't the most ugly things ever [these were called Lush] but we did laugh when I made them like, CRAZY huge. I'm a petite avatar. Huge boobs will NEVER look good on me. Ever. Not that I think they look particularly good on anyone else when they get over a certain size, but even a smaller size on me looks a little too full. Just like in RL, I'll stay content having a smaller chest.
I've been itching to redecorate our front room but I've been completely uninspired. It looks like a hot mess in there.
I HAVE a lot of nice furniture pieces. But I don't know what to do or where to put anything. I know once I get an idea, everything will fall into place, but right now? We'll just stay back in the family room.
Happy New Year, dear readers!! Ooh, all these parties the past couple of days have left me TIRED. I don't want to get out of bed!!
But, get out of bed I must, because I have to go to the gym to FINALLY be one of those people who didn't just decide to start their exercise program on January 1st. Yep, that's what's motivating me this morning - being a jerk! :)
Also, I'm going to try really hard to not skip any days of the 365 day project because well...I should have finished now since it's been a year. Hey, that's okay, right? Just means you guys get to put up with me more!