Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Forecast Was Wrong

It's been cold on Bluebonnet since November. I've been paying attention to the forecast and all the snow was supposed to melt on Sunday. But you know, the weather forecast is almost NEVER right. Aldwyn and I went out and about today, looking at new houses [and meeting readers! Hi Izzy!], checking out other places, dancing in bell towers. And wouldn't you know it? The snow melted and Bluebonnet went through a bit of a change with a brand new mountain range! Spring is here!

The Forecast Was Wrong

I really really want to make our home look beautiful this year. I mean, I say that at every weather change, but I mean it this time! I may have to enlist help, though, because I suck at this whole landscaping thing. People tell me I don't, but oh trust me, I do. Nothing ever really comes out the way I want. I stuff and then throw a bunch of trees on top of it. I don't want to do that this time around.

Much to do tomorrow, so goodnight!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

80s Prom Night!

I really don't like when I go more than a week without updating in here. I've meant to, many times, but I was really off my game the past week. I've been kind of on the sick side, which has been totally annoying, and I've spent a lot of time just on the couch napping and watching tv. Lame. LOL

I went out tonight with my sis and bro-in-law to an 80s Prom out at Boystown. It was sooo fun!

80s Prom 1

80s Prom 2

Unfortunately, Aldwyn wasn't able to be my date to prom [weekends are hard for him to do things a lot of the time], but's not like I was gonna get picked up at this particular prom. *laughs* Although when it came time to vote for prom queen, a really nice boy told me he voted for me. So that was pretty awesome. I didn't win, though.


But trust me, it was stiff competition!!

The entire place was pretty cool and they did an amazingggg job on the build, both inside and out. It's easy to just throw together a party build but when you take the time to really put in all the little details [like Ren's car from Footloose was out in the parking lot] and there was even an ice sculpture of a swan inside. It was perfect!

Prom Night

And then I was TOTALLY ready to kick my shoes off, hop in the truck, and head to the lake for the afterparty!! What? Only students at my high school did this after dances and stuff? Oh.

Let's Go To The Lake!

As much as we love our kids and being with them, it is nice to get away with just the adults on occasion. And luckily all of our kids are really understanding and usually take the time on our "adult nights" to catch up on their own things. But tomorrow night is family night and I'm happy about that because we have the best time when we're all together! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

But Not Purple Rain!

Just to do the business stuff, I still have the parcel available that I talked about in my last post. IM me to check it out!

Tonight we had a birthday party for my great-niece Tess! It was a Disney themed princess party! There was great music and lots of friends and family. By the time we took this pic, most had gone to bed, but you can still see how cute people looked! And also, I think all of them were smiling but I was really lagged out for some reason and didn't catch everyone's smiles. They were happy, I promise!

A Princess Party For Princess Tess

The guys, of course, couldn't be princesses. [Well, not that there's anything wrong with that, but they're not really the princess type!] But there's not really a whole lot in the way of Disney guys that are royal and even less if you're trying to find any kind of a royal outfit in SL that is in any way current. When Aldwyn and I were talking about costumes last night and I told him the theme and he should be a prince, immediately I had to say, "But not Purple Rain!" Because...well...after almost 5 years together, I know him.

He came late to the party and I wasn't really sure WHAT he had chosen to wear. When he teleported in with a huge flash of light and sparkles, there he stood, He-Man, Prince of Eternia. [Well, technically, He-Man isn't the prince when he's in his He-Man get up, but we'll let that slide.] At this point, the girls were threatening to stop being Zanzibars and Abby went to hide under the stairs. Then he changed again into... Prince. PURPLE RAIN PRINCE. This is when I threatened to stop being a Zanzibar as well. *laughs* But finally he put on a decent royal outfit and I allowed him to be near me.

But Not Purple Rain!

But all in all, it was a super fun party. The girls got lessons in being princesses [like hold your dress up when you walk down the stairs so you don't fall but not so high up you show your underpants], and the place was super pretty, and the music was great. I just love my family and our friends! Our parties are always so fun! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

You're all the things I've got to remember

I hope everyone had a great start to their year! It's been busy busy here. I made a goal to do at least one style post more than I did each month last year, which meant for January I needed to do 6. But something funny happened. I started to really enjoy it again! Not that I ever NOT enjoyed it, but I felt like I was in a huge rut last year in my quest to try to really be good and trying to please some creators who were very demanding with what they expected. This time I'm just doing pics the way I want, trying some new things, and it's fun! Of course, ask me again next month when I need to do 15 posts. *laughs*

On the business side of things, I have a parcel available on Bluebonnet!

Bluebonnet Parcel Open

This is a corner parcel and it's PLAIN. My renters use their own houses and they terraform/landscape the way they want. The terrain changes for the seasons but everyone supplies their own trees and stuff. The reason I have to really specify this is because there are a lot of residential places that are pre-landscaped and come with houses. We don't do that on Bluebonnet. All the prims on your parcel are yours. I don't even have rent boxes! If you're interested in the parcel, IM me in world and I'll be glad to show it to you. :)

Tonight was Payton's birthday party! We kept it small, just family, and it was 80s themed!

Payton's Party

Payton's 80s Party

After we danced and Payton got her gifts, we played human pinball! It was SO MUCH FUN! We had a gigantic pinball machine and Abby made a pinball that we could sit in and then we went rolling down the machine to try to get 1000 points!

Human Pinball

It was just a super fun party and we had great conversations and lots and lots of laughs. My family is the bestest! ♥

Time for bed!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Walking Into The New Year

Happy 2015! Since the Grand Canyon was empty tonight, I headed over after changing out of my party clothes and took a walk around the place. Just to think, mostly.

Walking Into The New Year

I don't really make resolutions any more. I do make some goals for the year, but they're loose goals. I don't like feeling bad if I don't accomplish something. And really, I set little goals for myself all year long, so just because it's the first day of the new year doesn't mean I need to set my whole year in stone. Does that make sense? Forgive me if it doesn't, it's after 4am here. :)

This coming year, I mostly want to try a little harder in things that I already do. For instance, my style blog. I think that I do some decent pics these days, and I like writing a little something about what I'm wearing, and I think that I do a pretty good job of crediting items. But I'm awfully sporadic with it. I just blog when I happen to feel like it and that means that I use very little of what I'm given. [At least, on the blog. I actually use more stuff in just my everyday SLife than I show on the blog.] So I want to try to get myself on more of a schedule for blogging. Or, at the very least, try for more than just once a week. I've been doing this for over 5 years, I feel like I would probably be more well known as a fashion blogger if I actually did it more often.

I also want to try a little harder in my friendships with people. I think that people take my silence for disinterest sometimes, and that's not really the case. I'm simply used to being the one who waits to be spoken to. This is not just something that occurs in SL, either. It's just that I'm used to being the listener and so I tend to wait until I'm needed. But this also means that I don't cultivate my friendships as I should. I get left out of a lot of things because I guess I seem like I'm not interested since I don't speak up. So that's definitely something I want to work on.

And then, of course, I am always striving to be a better SL mom and wife and sister and aunt. They tell me I'm fine, but I know I could be better. I want to be better for them.

Do you guys make resolutions or goals or have a "try harder" list for the new year?

I am super tired now and haven't slept since 2014 [lol! i couldn't help it.] so I think it's bedtime for me. :)