The plan for the other side of our new little creek is to have it be like a little farm, but I can't seem to find any good vegetable gardens. We went to a few places tonight to look at some that I'd seen on marketplace, but they weren't what I really wanted. [Btw, did you know that farming is kind of a thing in the Gorean places? I had no idea!] If ANYONE knows of any places that sell good looking gardens for the ground, please let me know!
After our trek around some stores, we came back and the creative inspiration hit me. Aldwyn called it my spontaneous decorating spurt. Hey, Rain cannot be forced to be creative, you know!

It's not NEARLY done, and I still have 4 more rooms to decorate, but at least we have a place where we can sit and be comfortable. My goal for tomorrow is to get at least the master bedroom done, and possibly the bathroom. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect kitchen, and I have a few kitchen sets from Funky Junk and The Loft, but I think I might need to really rip something apart and put it together to make it all work the way that I want.
My cat is staring at me, so I guess she's ready for bed.
id love to know where the heart Polaroids pictures on your wall came from.too cute!
That was an advent gift from Apple Fall. I'm not sure if they have it out for sale, but you can try! :)
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