We also went to a hay maze [Abby won when we did timed runs through it!] and to an asylum and then to a haunted hotel. Aldwyn got to join us for the hotel tour, which was great! He doesn't always get to join us for the start of some of our outings, so it's awesome when he can catch up with us somewhere during the fun!
After we said goodnight to my sis and brother in law, we decided to take advantage of the three of us being online to FINALLY get a proper photo together! Abby has been our goddaughter for two months now and we've never actually sat for a good picture. Can you believe that?? Of course, we kept meaning to, but things always came up.
I'm not the best at taking pics, but I think it came out cute. :)

These two really are the biggest joys of my SLife. I'm always so happy to see their names pop up on my screen, or log in and someone is home. It's just awesome!
When we go on our adventures and someone is lost or falls in a hole or gets eaten by a bed, we all joke and say, "Well! Guess we're going to Heritage after this to put a panel up!" But honestly? I don't think that I could! If anything were to happen and our family fell apart, I think I'd probably just go back to IMing a few people and decorating the house. LOL! It's really about having the RIGHT people as your family, and these people? Are definitely the right people. :) I always feel like I should tell them constantly, "Do you know how much I adore you???" But well, that would probably be weird, huh?
Well, not that they're not used to me being weird. :-p