1. Share any of your computer specs (video card, memory, etc..) Click here if you don’t know any of those things or just share the year you bought it.
* I fully admit to being the least techy type person ever and I have no idea what any of this actually means. My computer is a Dell Insperion 3847. Processor is Intel Core i5-4460. 8GB of RAM. Video card is nVidia GeForce GTX 550Ti. I have Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1.
2. Which viewer do you use most often?
* I use Firestorm, the 64 bit one now. I've heard the official SL viewer is good these days, but I need to use a viewer with RLV because the girls use the Yuus/Nuu HUD and it's required for that. I don't like to have more than one viewer installed on my computer at any time because I've heard switching back and forth a lot can lead to inventory loss. But again, I'm not techy, so that could have been a load of smoke. :)
3. What is your FPS (Frames Per Second) when you have your graphics on ultra?
I turned it on Ultra to take this picture and it booped on down to 7.2 FPS. That's probably not awesome, huh? LOL! But when I have it on high and don't have shadows on, it's 80 FPS. I only turn on ultra to take pics, so I guess it's okay. Turning shadows on tends to make tiny mesh look gross [as you can see on my glasses] so I don't have shadows on too often. If there's a setting to make tiny mesh not look icky, please let me know.
4. How often does Second Life crash for you? Is it usually just a viewer crash or your whole system crashes? What are you usually doing at the moment of the crash?
* I have not crashed once since getting my new computer!! Before, with my old one, I couldn't turn around in our house without crashing. I couldn't even be IN the house half the time, and forget it if other people were around me. If I was anywhere with a sim surround? Pfft. That was almost an instant crash unless I could derender it real fast. It seemed like sometimes all I had to do was breathe and I'd crash on my old computer. This one is sooooooo much better!!!!
5. Do you know of any tips or tricks in the settings that would improve performance?
* Well, on Firestorm, I tend to disable the bridge thinger and not wear it. On my old computer, that helped a lot. Also, I turn off the HTTP textures thing. I don't know what that does, but I know on my old computer, it helped. I also don't have on anisotropic filtering most of the time, unless I'm taking pics. And I don't know exactly what this does, but I uncheck the "Enable Streamed VBOs" box, too. Supposedly that helps. I'm not sure where most of that is on any other viewer, but on Firestorm it's under the Hardware tab under Graphics in your preferences. Even though I probably don't HAVE to do any of that now, I still do it kind of out of habit.
If anyone knows how to make my antialiasing look better, though, please let me know. For some reason since getting my new computer, I feel like I lost a setting or something because I have the AA at 4x in my viewer and it's not QUITE as smooth as on my old craptastic computer. And also, please help a girl out and tell me how to make mesh look better when shadows are on! It's sad when my necklaces get all crazy looking, you know?
1 comment:
That's interesting what you mentioned in #2 about the multiple viewers and inventory loss. I notice I lose things from my inventory from time to time and I wonder if that's causing it because I do juggle viewers often. I might just settle on Firestorm since the 64 bit version is working so well for me, crashes are a lot better as well. As for making mesh look better, there are things in the debug settings you can play with, but honestly, I've noticed even that doesn't help that much. Sometimes with shadows, mesh just looks off.
Thanks for sharing Alicia. <3
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