This is going to mean working on ANOTHER guest list!

As you all might recall, there was some stupid stuff that went on when we were preparing our wedding guest list. Now it's not going to be so hard with this list because the party is usually well crowded and also it's not an intimate ceremony or anything like that, so I don't have to worry about which person is hating which person this time around. And plus, most of my friends are seeming to get along better these days, so you know, woot woot and all that.
But here's my dilemma, and maybe you all can help me out. For the past couple of years, the parties have been just adults because for 1, I didn't know any kid avatars, and for 2, the whole family thing wasn't quite as huge as it is right now. I don't have a problem with kids or families, but I'm wondering if the party will seem less festive & adult if there are kids running around. I don't want to leave my little friends out or ask them to please put on an adult shape to attend because some of them are very immersed in being a child of a family and I totally respect that. Of course, being immersed in their role as a child, they wouldn't really be expecting to come to a New Year's party anyway where there are adults and pixel champagne anyway, right?
So I was thinking that maybe, if there was enough interest, I'd make the big adult party, but invite the kids to come play in the game room for their own little New Year's Eve Eve sleepover. We have plenty of seating here, bunk beds, and there's Greedy and trivia for them to play. They could dance and listen to the music, too. And if any of their parents attending the party wanted to check in on them, they'd be right nearby.
Of course, maybe I'm just putting too much thought into this, but this is the biggest party I throw all year, and I want to make it a good one for everyone!
I remember feeling left out as a child because there wasn't a way for me to celebrate New Year's Eve. Given the option I wouldn't have wanted to go to an adult party where I would have to be on my best behavior. So I think a room for kids to have fun in is a terrific idea!
I was so excited the first year my dad thought I was old enough to stay up til midnight!!!
I hope you have a delight first holiday season as a married couple!
Definate thumbs up for the kids area/room, that's a great idea to make sure no one is left out! :)
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