I don't expect for people to entertain me. In fact, it annoys me when people seem to expect others to entertain them all of the time. But once in a while, I want someone around to skate with or go up and play Greedy or just sit around and do nothing together. Unfortunately, the two I am with the most are busy a lot, especially on the weekends. If all this alone time keeps up, I'm going to have to... I dunno, do something drastic.
You know. Like IM people or something.
Maybe I should get an SL job. Ooh, or I could make stuff and sell it! Yeahhhh! I'm not very good at building anymore, but I can make umm...boxes and stuff. Or I could buy sculpt packs and put shit together and tell people it's awesome and that they have to buy it. Or I could take peoples' pictures and because I can use shadows, I can call it art and charge them a lot of money. OR I COULD DO MORPHS! Plenty of
Hmm...or I could force my way into someone's SL family and make them take care of me because I am so cute with my antlers! That would work, right?
Or I could just shut my mouth, take off my Crankypants, log off, and go to bed. Maybe I'll do that instead.
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