Now let me preface this by saying that I am NOT a gamer. Seriously am not. Dragon Age is my real game of choice and that's mostly because I've played through so many times, I can enjoy it because I know what to do. I like playing by myself, using cheat codes, and always winning in the end. Plus the story is fantastic and I love Alistair. I did Rift for a time, but I sucked hard at it because I couldn't cheat and because I don't really dig playing with other people all the time. I did like the game, but it's dreadfully hard to solo as you progress and games, for me, are really more of a solo thing because I play games to escape.
So here is my little character. She's a Nord, because that seemed to be the best looking out of all the females to me.

I mean, really. Like I was going to be a reptile or a cat or whatever? Even the elves aren't cute! I will always want a PRETTY character. But I think the Nords are warriors anyway, which is good for me because I don't get into magic and junk like that. I just want to kill stuff and look pretty doing it.
The controls have been the hardest thing in the world for me to get used to. In Dragon Age, when I use the WASD keys, A & D turn me and the camera around. It's a lot like SL in some ways. But in Skyrim, I'm having to use the mouse a LOT to look around and it's highly annoying. I'm getting used to it, but it hasn't been easy.
Also not easy? The fact that if I steal something, people come after me!! I'm just trying to stock up on supplies, folks!

Hmm...should I take this coin purse or leave it?
But the funniest thing to me was when I stole a horse. I would have BOUGHT it but it was 1000 gold and I didn't have that. So what choice did I have but to steal?

I got on that horse and ran for my LIFE. But since you can't fight and be on the horse at the same time, when I got off the horse to kill something, the damn thing wandered off. No loyalty!!!
At least my character is pretty.

And MEAN. I can slash people down like nothing else!

I killed some bandits and they had a horse, so I got to steal the horse! Riding high now, y'all!

Well, until we jumped and I miscalculated how high the wall was.

Sure is hard to keep a horse in this game.
1 comment:
dang, seriously nice graphics in SkyRim =)
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