So earlier today, someone mentioned that a fashion blogger
actually blogged that they wouldn't be able to show anything new because they didn't have any money to buy anything. My first thought was, "OMG WHAT?!" I mean, that's just straight up tacky. But, again, there are people who get into fashion blogging under the assumption that their entire SLives will be paid for. They blog a bit, maybe a friend gives them something from their shop, and a few weeks later they feel like the Lelutka and Maitreya fatpacks should just be rolling in.
They learn quickly that fashion blogging takes MONEY. Cold hard cash, baby! You will not be on the Fatpacks Forever list of most stores. You can even be on a list and then taken off later if the creator decides they don't like how you blog, or even how you look. And that brings me to the next thing. Don't expect for a lot of the super popular designers to shower you in free items if you look like this:
Saddle hag, invisible pony rider, Grand Canyon, Derp face - I've heard many terms for this kind of shape. I've exaggerated it a bit here, but you've seen them on the feeds. They look like they're riding a horse that isn't there, their frowny mouths look like they're about to slide off the chin, the eyes are so squinted people wonder how they can see at all. The faces are unappealing, and the bodies stretch out the clothing in bad ways. Poses often look wrong, as well. In that pose, my foot is actually supposed to be hooked around the other ankle. A lot of creators
refuse to give items to people who look like this because they don't want their creations to be shown badly. And that's a good reason! After all, they've spent a lot of time making things. Why would they GIVE it to someone who is going to stretch it out and make it look ugly? They can't do anything about it if you buy the item and blog it, but they are definitely less likely to just GIVE you the item.
Something to keep in mind if you're just starting out as a fashion blogger! :)
Since I'm being all advice-givey, someone asked me not too long ago how I manage to blog for events like Stumblebum and Festival of Sin and stuff like that. Well, honestly? It comes down to just keeping an eye out for open blogger calls! Many fashion events call for bloggers a month or two in advance. Just keep your eyes open and apply when they ask. But keep in mind that even though you apply, you might not be chosen. I've applied for events and never heard Yes, No, or Kiss My Ass back. Sometimes the event gets more blogger applications than it could possibly ever handle. Let's face it, there's a TON of bloggers. Sometimes the event organizer just takes the first 20-30 bloggers that apply. Sometimes they are honestly picky and only choose the ones they like best. And yes, sometimes they pick their friends first & a few others after. It happens! Oh, and if you ARE chosen, sometimes that only allows you early access to a sim or something, it doesn't guarantee freebies.
So to conclude my little advice post:
1. Don't expect freebies if you're a fashion blogger.
2. Don't expect freebies if your shape is really out of control disproportionate.
3. Don't expect freebies even if you are an event blogger.
Oh, and don't blog about how you can't afford anything. That's tacky and it does not guarantee that someone is going to take pity on you and send you freebies.