Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 322 - And you let her go...

Camp day! Unfortunately, Aldwyn has a cold and I sure didn't want him to give Abby germs before camp, so we were on our own. Abby and I loaded up the car with all of her camp necessities, and like her momma, she's NOT a light packer! But we got everything to fit and had time for hugs and mushy stuff before we headed to camp.

All Ready To Go!

I wasn't able to get any photos once we got to the camp entrance because with all the kids and the families that were there to say goodbye, it was super hectic and, of course, very laggy! Ms. Jill and some of the other counselors were there to make the welcome to camp very special and as easy as possible for our little campers. In fact, just as Abby was about to go through the doors, I crashed! Luckily we had gotten to say goodbye about 50 times, so it was okay, and I don't think I would have liked to see her disappear through the doors anyway.

I think that was the thing I wasn't be sad. Abby told me a while back that camp can be very emotional for those who go because it is a week of lots of roleplay, and to be a kid in SL can sometimes leave you quite vulnerable. But I didn't realize that it would be emotional for the parents, too! I was chatting on plurk and some of the other parents feel down like I do. We will talk to them while they're at camp, through IMs and plurk and whatever other communication things we use. But it's not the same as having them home and that is just....really unexpected to me! I didn't expect to feel this way.

So after I left my little camper, I came home and went to her room to keep her cats company.

Day 322 - And you let her go...

That's one thing you can always count on - Cats ain't got time for sad.

I keep hearing rumbles from the Grand Bluebonnet Mountains. I have a feeling they're sinking back into the ground tonight. The snow seems to be melting and spring will be here soon.

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