So, can I confess something? Sometimes I have teeny tiny tantrums internally when he tells me he won't be around. I know, it's awful! Don't get me wrong, I adore that our girls are normally around to be with me, and if I were ever really lonely, I have the rest of our family to lean on. But it's not the same as having my partner around when I want to do things. Not that we ever really go out any more...but you get my point! :-p But, RL comes first, for the both of us, and we know that.
The one saving grace is that I know he misses me when he can't be around.
If I didn't feel that, I totally would have jumped on that newbie that blazed through our house earlier tonight when the girls and I were in the living room. *laughs* Hey, Birdy liked his accent. It could have worked!
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