Saturday, September 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Bluebonnet!

If you've been following along with my blog for a long time, you'll know that in September of 2008, I suddenly acquired an island. Owning an island was DEFINITELY never in any of my plans for my SLife. I had moved to the island maybe only a couple of weeks before with my ex-partner. It was his, and it came with renters. Then on September 13th, a bunch of stuff went down and he offered to give it to me - lock, stock, and barrel - renters and all. He'd pay for the transfer, the name change [Bluebonnet wasn't the original name!], and the island changed locations. I was so overwhelmed with how quickly everything was happening, I agreed to it. If I'd had more time to think, I probably wouldn't have. But, I didn't. When the old renters left within that next month, I replaced them with new ones. I figured things out as I went along.

I'm glad I didn't say no to him back then. We've had good times on Bluebonnet. Parties, so so many parties. I've had fantastic people live near me - Bloggers, jewelry makers, home builders. I've had people who stayed a week, and some who have been with me since I got the island. This is where I met some of my best friends, where I got married, and now where we have our family.

It's home.

Happy Birthday, Bluebonnet!

Happy birthday, Bluebonnet! Six years is a long time to love a place, but oh - how I do love you.

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