I take a lot of pictures of my SL. Tons. TONS. If I'm somewhere, there's a 95% chance that I'm snapping a picture. It's that 5% that always gets me, though, because then I don't take a picture of something I need. :-p But since I haven't been blogging quite as much lately [and thank you so much to those of you who nudge me. LOL], I have 3 folders on my desktop of pictures to resize and post. But that's a lot, guys. That's a LOT.
But I did want to show some, so here's some randomness over the past few weeks! And as chronological as I'd like to be, it's probably not going to happen. Also, there's a good chance I might have already shown a pic & have just forgotten. :)
My hunt for Linden bears is still going on, and I've been getting a fabulous collection of not just Linden bears, but all kinds of bears! It's AWESOME! I've got animated bears and sculpted bears and bears to hug and hold and run around with. I love love love it!!

The awesome
Caitlain dropped this little cutie on me during the gridwide charity work going on for the Victoria bushfire relief. I loved him so much, I bought more and dropped on a few friends that I thought could use a hug.

Speaking of the bushfire relief fund, did you hear that with all the donations and all the money that the creators who so generously made items to sell for it, the total amount raised was over
$12,000 AUD??? Why doesn't THAT kind of news make it into the media? Oh, let some crazy nut try to kidnap her SL ex-boyfriend who dressed up like a lion and they're all over it. Two people get divorced because one caught the other having cybersex in SL, and SL is the epitome of all that is wrong with the world. But thousands of people come together to donate time and talent and money to help, and there's not a peep anywhere. Forget THAT.
All of my friends did their part with donating.
Sophia and I ran around buying stuff for the relief. Here we are at Truth buying the Victoria hair.

My one regret is that I didn't buy the ring Ryker Beck designed for the relief before all the relief items were supposed to be taken down. But I don't have a spare finger for it right now anyway, so I guess it's ok. But it was a gorgeous ring.
But a gift you can probably still get if it's in the subscribe-o-matic is this awesome sweater & skirt set by my friend
QueenKellee Kuu of
Royally. I ADORE this outfit and have worn it a lot more lately than any of my other clothes because I know that no matter what, if I put it on, I'll be cute. Go to her store and sign up in the subscribe-o and get into the history to find it.

And of course I've been butt-deep in hunt gifts. We need to have an inventory sorting party SOON because I blazed past 40k in my inventory and am *this* close to 41k. LOL It's sad.
Luckily some things I've tried on, I could throw away immediately. Like...this.

Of course, when I wasn't hunting, I was shopping like mad. That pink sale that Armidi had was just heavenly for a girly girl like me.

I've been spending a lot of time out at Sacred lately, too. Sophia's RL & SL husband, Skyhawke, is not just a fabulous photographer. He's a pretty kickass DJ as well, and we go out there at least a couple of times a week to hear some music, dance, and talk until we start laughing and then can no longer speak because we're crying too hard with laughter.

I'm awesome at catching just the most crazy shots of my friends. Seriously, I have SO many pictures where they are in such weird positions. I usually save them for myself, but
Sehra looks so boobalicious in this shot, I had to show it.

Speaking of Sehra, I caught this picture of her her and her boyfriend
Bone dancing at one of our impromptu parties a few weeks ago and never posted it. It makes me laugh everytime I see it.

Oh...I caught Sophia on a pole with this noobish guy, too. Then I stole his last $5L. Yes, that's me back there in the purple dress with the green leggings. It was 80s night, ok?!

One night at Sacred we were doing what we do and changing into all kinds of costumes when Sky played Blind Melon's "No Rain" and we HAD to get into bee outfits. Except for Pumpkin, who was a flower. Naturally that required a photo. Sophia, Tristan and I are bees, and then menudo lovin' Pumpkin is the flower. I love this picture and it's my desktop wallpaper right now.

I stumbled onto this picture of me and Brody [who yes, was Levi, for those of you who aren't in my inner circle and weren't told, or who don't plurk, or who just didn't guess. LOL] and it makes me laugh because I forgot taking it. We look like we're waking up from a nap and he's just having a really hard time getting up out of bed. But c'mon, look at the bed. It's awesome and looks sooo comfortable!

And last...Elle. Oh my dear little kitten. I've bought a lot of things in SL. I've spent a lot of money on hair and shoes and clothes and houses and skins and things to play with and ride on, but nothing compares to this little kitten. If I'd known just how much fun it would be for me to have a prim cat, I would have bought one the very moment they were released! I have always, in my RL, felt better when I have a cat, and I didn't realize that's what my SL was lacking.
Of course, a little part of me thinks, "What's different between this and a prim baby?" But then I tell that voice to shut the hell up and I feed my cat.