Sunday night, while tons of people were watching the Super Bowl, a bunch of us who didn't care about it that much headed over to Conatus, the new sim for the Ingmann Design Group. They make wonderful prefabs!

I DJed at the last minute because the live performer who was supposed to be there canceled. I didn't mind because, hey, paying gig. LOL! I kid, I kid.
The new sim is just fantastic. If you had ever gone over to IDG when it was on Natalis, the basic look/layout is the same, but it's much better! Plus there are some great stores there, including GREENE Concept, which is owned by my friend Peter Stindberg, Steinwerks, Hollie's Place, and a few others.
The party was totally awesome. So many people showed up!!

There was no theme, since it was a last minute thing, but I told my friends to dress sexy. And they did NOT disappoint!! As I've mentioned before, my friends and I are totally into teeny tiny dresses lately. I wore a great one from Kitties Lair, but wow, some of the girls were REALLY sexy!! It was great!
And I just love this picture. LOL

You might have to click on it to read the writing better.
After I finished, the totally awesome DJ Tristan Micheline took over and rocked out. If you've never gone to any of her events, you've got to. She's amazing!!
Oh, and somehow I ended up looking like this.

Yeah...I don't know either. LOL
When you go out to Ingmann's [because you know you want to], be sure to pick up your insulin pump. I've mentioned the original insulin pump before in this blog, but Noelyci Ingmann, at the prompting of Hamlet Au, created a pink insulin pump that - get this - speaks LOLCat. LOL! It's another great way to promote diabetes [or diabeetus, in LOLCat] awareness. Personally, I use my insulin pump to remind me to get up away from the computer and walk around or eat something because every 90 minutes, it asks you to check your blood sugar. While I don't have to check my blood sugar, thankfully, it is a great reminder to me not to sit in one spot for too long. Go pick yours up, I believe it's free or a dollarbie! For you men, there's always the regular one, so don't get all offended by a pink one. ;)

1 comment:
YAY!!! I loved the pic with all the notes on it, so funny. Thank you Ali for the compliment <3. You are such a great DJ and you make any place you DJ at a fun place to be .. Can't wait for the next impromptu party \o/
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