I never make plans to do anything on Saturdays until the evening because my Saturdays are normally taken up by family things. But my poor mom caught the flu that my dad had last weekend, so she said I should stay home so I wouldn't catch it. She's always scared of any time I get sick. So since I was awake early, I decided to go over to the Isle of View and check out the Linden stuff. It was actually fun, even if it was very lagged out.

That's Garry Linden's "bear." LOL Yeah, I don't know either. But Garry was a very nice guy and his moose head thing is a welcome addition to the family.
I actually went out there again later on with Sophia and we met the cuuuuutest little Linden - Ekim Linden! OMG, his little av was just too cute for words. Sophia told him she wanted to bite him, and then she offered to partner him. He gave us hugs and we ran off before we scared him more. LOL

One of the best best best parts of my Valentine's Day was that I got to spend time with Brody. :) We spent almost all afternoon together, which was awesome! He had left roses, balloons, and a card for me to find when I woke up. Yes, I was completely giggly and happy as only a girl can be. :) I moved them all into the office, which is where he found me when he logged in.

I know, isn't he hot in that new tux? I couldn't let him upstage me in the looks department, so I immediately got into a formal gown and we went down to the fiesta area to dance all afternoon. :)

Getting those few hours with him just made my day. :) Thanks for spending the afternoon with me, baby.
After I had to go for dinner, I came back and threw on a crazy Valentine's outfit. I don't often dress too nutty, so it was kind of fun for me to run around with wings and this crazy curly hair. But then I started doing one of my new dances [more dances! I need more dances!!!] and I got an idea to go down and dance on the water. I thought the pics turned out pretty well. Not perfect, but they're cute.

The rest of my evening was spent over at Sacred with Sophia, her husband Skyhawke, and the rest of the crew. Oh man... I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! I was just crying over some of the things being said!
I probably also am *this* close to being kicked out of my brand new Snapzilla account because I kept sending pics. LOL!! I couldn't help it, it was fun to do! You can check it out to see more pics of today, but it drives me up the WALL that they come out all low quality, so I don't know how much I'll actually end up sending pics in.
A few [clear] pics from tonight.
Sophia and me. This picture cracks me up because we're in such goofy poses.

DJ Skyhawke got ringed. I'd feel bad for him, but I totally don't.

Sophia found an outfit in her inventory called Little Red Riding Ho. And well, of course she had to put it on. I'm not sure what Sky is doing in the corner.

Yes...I'm the teacup. LOL! It was just getting late.

I'm like a ringleader, I call the shots. Isn't this outfit cute? It's by Four Yip. I love it when I put it on, but I forget that I have it when I'm looking for something adorable.

And in addition to ALL of this, I got a bunch of bears from friends and readers. Thank you all so much! I just love bears and you all are awesome for thinking of me when you run across one!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's like I did!!
You and Brody look so adorable in your formal wear!
Aw, it looks like you guys had an awesome Valentine's Day!! <3
And your water pics are spectacular.
*sad face* I didn't know everyone was at Sacred. I think I was sitting around Narnia.
I need to invite myself to more of the Ch'Know gatherings. :(
Love, Em the Loner
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