Friday, February 18, 2011

Well heck, if Fonzie's there...

Not all my posts will have kitties in them, but today was a big day! Desi is big enough to cuddle!

Cuddle kitty!!

I'm totally in love. Now he reminds me of my big beautiful cat that I talked about earlier this week. I used to hold him like this. ♥

My friend Terri told our group about the I Heart Art hunt that's going on. It's a small hunt, only 17 places to go altogether, so I figured I'd do it.

I'm actually not very into art, in any life. I don't mind going to art museums or anything, but quite often, I think most art is just a big mess and it doesn't mean anything to me. Art in SL seems strange to me because I think all of SL as being a big art exhibit. When I put on a beautifully painted skin, or a meticulously sculpted pair of shoes, or an exquisitely detailed piece of jewelry - how can that be anything BUT art?

But then again, sometimes Fonzie is art.

[At Tart Gallery]

Or wandering into an old castle and screaming when this is the first thing you see is art.

It's scary!
[At The Village & 13]

Or getting to actually sit on things and interact - that's art, too.

Project Z

[At Project Z]

The hunt was relatively simple, although I have to say that I will most likely end up throwing some things away. Art is what you make of it, and some of it, I don't know what to make of!

Art Hunt prizes

It was really great getting to see some new places in SL, though. So if you like small hunts, and random things that you don't get to wear, check it out. :)

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