Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 226 - So Kiki Cute!!

In my old SL age, I'm starting to not like going to big gacha events. I want what I want when I want it, you know? I love gacha, but the big events overwhelm me. However, I ADORE the yard sales that pop up when The Arcade starts!! Especially since there are always so many unbelievable designers that take part! I didn't know in advance that the Kiki doll from The Secret Store's gacha was actually an avatar. I thought it was just a doll and I wanted it for decoration. But omg, how cute am I now??

Day 226 - So Kiki Cute

I'm planning on running back in soon to check out more yard sales. I still need the makeup bag from Tres Blah, the Harry Porker and the Princess teacup piggies, and the Pink Fuel skins. And possibly more Glam Affair skins. Possibly.

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