It was super fun, as usual! I am definitely going to miss our weekly meetings with our little Bumblebees this summer! I think all of us still want to try to get together throughout the summer, for camp outs and fishing and to just hang out. This was my first big "kid community" type of thing and I just had a blast getting to hang out with all of the kids every week. If you're a kid, I absolutely recommend getting into scouts next season! If you're interested in what goes on in both our troop and the other troops, you can check out the Sim Scouts Flickr Group to see all the fun!
After the meeting, the family hung out for a little bit since we have not all been together since before Lolita's and Riley's birthday party last weekend. It always so fun when we get to chat together and I get to say things like "Abby, I told you that you can't sell your sister" and "Hey! Calm your butt!" LOL!!
But after we said goodnight to the family, and after the girls went to bed, Aldwyn and I finally got a little bit of time together. It's been almost a week since we've been able to catch up with each other because his schedule has been crazier than mine! Luckily, summer vacation is coming up and we should get to see each other more often. Can you believe we've been together for 4 years next month??

And he's not even sick of me yet! LOL! It's funny how the "flavor of the month" becomes someone's favorite flavor. *snickers*
Although if he does ever try to leave me, I'm totes asking for child support. 18 years, 18 years, I got two of your kids, got you for 18 years!!
Okay, seriously, I need sleep.
holler "We want prenup!"
It's a little bit late for thaaaaat!!
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