Why check it out! It's Linden bears!
Izzy, Dee, Benjamin, Colton, and Don rockin' out to DJ Linden's beats.
Such precious bears!!
Some of you have asked me which ones are on my list because you want to help me out with my quest, so here you go:
I have...
Grant Linden
Molly Linden [I have 3 extra Mollys, if anyone wants one.]
Maggie Linden
Dan Linden
Cupid Linden
TrickOrTreat Linden [Cupid & Trick were holiday bears, obviously]
Guy Linden
Blondin Linden
Alexa Linden
Izzy Linden
Don Linden
Colton Linden
Benjamin Linden
Dee Linden
DJ Linden
And I have a Don Linden swap card. I've never seen Linden swap cards before, so that was kind of cool. It appears to have been made in 2005.

I IMed M Linden last weekend to ask for his bear, but he never got back to me. :( That's cool, though. I know he's probably busy.
I was trying to explain to my RLBF why I wanted Linden bears but the truth is, there is no one totally good reason. I want them because I want them. Same reason I collect milkglass and angels in RL. Because I like them and I want them. Isn't that simply enough? :)
I collect milkglass too! And carnival glass. The Linden bears are cute...I've just never gotten started on them.
LMAO at the bears partying alone in the party ball! You are adorable, Alicia.
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