Monday, October 19, 2009

Man, can I go on forever about nothing.

I really should be in bed right now. Or working on a blogpost for an SL company & service. Or finishing up an interview notecard. Or I could be finishing up the haunted castle since Halloween is pretty soon. Or I could be blogging some items that I'm backed up on. But...mostly I've been admiring my pretty nail polish and reading up on magnesium deficiency. My RL bestie's hubby was chatting with my RLBF about my health [God, don't get me started.] and mentioned that I may be deficient in magnesium based on some of the things that are going on with me. To his credit, he knows a lot about these things, so even though I pretended like I wasn't listening, I was. I've been taking a supplement the past few days and I gotta say...I'm feeling a little better. Who knew?

I've been thinking that I'm going to give myself my own blog challenge next month. It's November, which for the past 10 years has been a pretty dreadful month for me. If I've never mentioned it before in here, and I probably haven't, I lost my oldest sister in November 1999 very very unexpectedly. I went from this kind of confident, cool chick to this overly anxious, crazy thing. I pretty much had a nervous breakdown a couple of years ago and picking myself up off the floor [both figuratively and literally] was pretty hard. In a way, being Alicia for the past couple of years helped me remember who the typist behind her really is. She has faults, same as her typist. She's shy with most people, she almost never asks for help when she needs it, she takes on everyone's problems as her own. Her typist is pretty much the same way. But the both of us work well together, and between the both of us, we've learned how to take happiness when it comes. And that's why I think for the month of November, I'm going to blog at least once a day, and each post will say something that I'm thankful for, no matter how small. And no, it's not just going to be 30 days of "OMG I love everything!" How boring would that be? :-p It'll just be 30 days of blogging, with the extra bit of thankful. :)

Ok, yes, I'm writing SO much tonight. LOL! So let's break it up with some pictures! Woo! Pictures!

My friend Heidi gave me a dandelion. I loveeee dandelions!


Everyone was chattering about how fantastic the new Tres Blah skins are. I like the clothing from that store, and my beach cottages actually came from there [I bought them ages ago, I'm really not sure if they're still for sale], so I was excited to go look at the skins.

Then I wasn't so excited anymore.

Tres blech.

These skins are SO not good on me. Soooooo not good on me. I've seen a couple of people who wear them well, but I am not one of those people. LOL Yikes.

Sophia and I went out to a store to look at a hair called "Titty" earlier tonight, because sometimes we are 13 years old and going to look at "titty hair" made us laugh really hard. There were some crazy hairs in there, and then we found poses.


This caused Sophia to sing "FAME!" And then we laughed like idiots until we cried.

After our hair outing, I was standing around in my house when she told me to tp her. Next time I need to ask her what she's wearing before I do, because she was scary!


I think she told me that outfit was a freebie in the Boon group. It's pretty much awesome for Halloween.

I really should get in bed now. Really.


SophHarlow said...

Oh..have I ever mentioned that I loves you and you are an amazing friend, person and hetero life partner? Maybe once.

Well you are. You are also so much stronger then you realize.

xo - Soph

p.s. that was free from the Boon group.

Amie Adamski said...

Aww I hope you feel better. Do another blogger challenge for November I'm sure you can get a bunch of people to post with you.

That skin looks scary LOL, It's like me with Cupcake's skin as much as I love them most of them look horrible on me.

Anonymous said...

We all love Alicia too, so therefore we love the person behind AC.

(and still giggling at Tittys.)