Every person back there was muted. I could not enjoy the music AT ALL until I muted the entire crowd because there were SO. MANY. DAMN. GESTURES. Is it simply impossible to enjoy a show without blasting a 20 line gesture 5 times in a row? Am I missing something in that I want to just dance and listen to the music without hearing "HOOOOO!" and "ROAARRRRR" and "I LOVE THIS TUNNNNEEEE" 137 times in less than 10 minutes?
Of course, once I had them all muted, I started looking around.
Hola, skankola.

I don't care how much I love someone, I would NEVER agree to wear a matching tragedy.

These folks look like they're lost.

The music itself? Excellent. He was a pretty great singer, awesome voice. But the people. Oh, the people.
We attempted another show for someone else later, but I kept hearing a "ding! ding! ding!" in my ears. I thought I was going nuts [shut up], but nope.

He was NOT part of the band.
We decided going home was our best course of action.
I might just be cranky because I'm tired, but goodness. What a night.
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