Sit on a big ass multicolored dinosaur and talk shit with your best friend?

Go to a styling competition and realize you can't compete against a girl in a big ass birthday cake dress and a girl with a tree growing out of her head?

Stand next to a girl who is over 7 feet tall?

Die laughing because your friends are just as short as you are and we look like midgets next to the big ass glamazons?

Go to your friends' place and see a couple of hot guys making out?

Run to Ol' McMoonites Farm Of Beef & Beer and sit on a cow?

Giggle like a fool because your partner squashed the veal with her new big butt?

And go cow tipping?

This. No matter what else happens in Second Life, days like this remind me of how much I love our wonderful, beautiful, incredible world. ♥
OMG - laughter!!
I tried to sit on that dinosaur's head and SL said "No room to sit here." (GRRRR)
But yeah, that's my new dinosaur!!!
Thanks for stopping by! (LOL)
Word verification: unblur
Yes, please. I could use some unblurring in my life right now.
This post made my heart happy. Your artful and eloquent phrase "big ass glamazons" almost made me blow sprite out my nose.
Delight. Thank you :)
I love Big Ass Glamazons (the phrase, not the people.)
And I don't understand what's so "styling" or "stylish" about dressing up like a glorified tree. And I went to an sl modeling school in another life, sheesh
Velvet who still haunts the interwebs
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