A few weeks ago on plurk, I mentioned that I wanted to throw an old SLchool party. People could bust out their old old skins and their bling, and we'd party it up in a "club" with a sploder and all that. Most of us don't go out to clubs in SL anymore, preferring the company of just friends and family and our own lands. But how are we supposed to get to know people if we don't get out?? Not that going to an SL club now would probably work, but you know what I mean. :)
So luckily for me, my Aldwyn was a hoarder on his first account, and had many many things I needed for the party place. I had some stuff - the club build, particles, old dances. But he had the other good stuff - like the old school sploder, old couples dances still inside poseballs [my couples dances are in the intan and most are fairly recent], and dance poles. Because seriously? It's not a party without dance poles.
We needed outfits, though, so we headed over to Freebies Dungeon. If you want to see ACTUAL NEWBIES, not just people alting, go there!

The moment we landed someone asked if they could bite me.
[2011/08/02 20:58] Bloodlines Lycan Claw 1.2: Faithes Resident has offered you the power of a Lycan warrior. This will register you with The Bloodlines system, and you'll get a FREE Lycan wound attachment. Say Yes to accept!
[2011/08/02 20:58] Alicia Chenaux: Not bloody likely, asshole.
Then, of course, some girl got all up on Aldwyn.

She IMed him first and he told her "Greetings." She basically acted like she'd never heard that before and said only gentlemen say greetings. Then she had the good sense to read my profile and lit on out of there. I could have certainly taken her in an ass kicking contest. She didn't have any feet.

SO. Dig those old skins that you couldn't throw away out of their boxes, dust off your old shoes that made your feet look like pancakes, and come join us tonight at 8pm SLT for an Old SLchool good time!! If you have lag issues, you might need to turn particles off, but hey, that's pretty old SLchool, too!
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