Our family grew some tonight, too! The Oleanders asked Riley to go on trial with them! If you're not familiar with the whole adoption thing in SL, families usually go on a "trial" run with each other - usually about a week, sometimes longer or shorter - to see how they like being around each other, to see if the timing works, and just to see if they feel comfortable being family. If things don't work out, then the parents or the kid can end the trial and go their separate ways without too many hurt feelings. I think the trial will go really well because we've been hanging out with Riley a lot and she seems to fit in pretty well with the Oleanders, and with us, too. Our family is pretty tight these days - everyone has a say in things!
But sometimes a trial isn't necessary. And it wasn't necessary when the Oleanders invited us all to a tea party and then asked Payton, their goddaughter, to become their daughter!! She's been their goddaughter since October and we all just adore her, so when they planned on asking her, we were thrilled! Of course she said yes, because she's really been part of the family all along, it just needed to be official! Then we got to sit and vote on her new middle name because she asked if they would give her one, and if we'd left it up to Raven, she'd have been Payton Enchilada. LOL! But now she's Payton Victoria Oleander. :)
Best of all, Aldwyn came home from his trip tonight! Abby and I were totally happy because we missed him bunches. And, because he loves me soooo much, he immediately got to work on my Arcade wishlist!! He's FAST, too. I really really didn't expect him to get started on it tonight, but he practically finished the whole thing! He even managed to put some things out at the yard sale tonight before finally needing to pass out. Traveling always exhausts me, so I was surprised he even made it in tonight, much less had the energy to shop! I have the best husband.
Oh, and before anyone asks- No. Aldwyn and I are not planning on adopting any other kids right now. We're totally happy with Abby being our one and only kid. Plus, we only have a two bedroom house and if we got another kid, they'd have to sleep in the garage or out in a tent in the backyard! *snickers* I did tell Abby if she ever met another kid in SL that she felt would be a good sibling for her, we'd consider it. So uh, I guess if you ever wanted to be adopted by me, you better suck up to Abby a lot. LOL!!!
My heart is full of rainbows and sunshine tonight. :)
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