Sorry for the poor quality of the photo. My graphics were cranked way down so I wouldn't crash too much since we had about 25 people on the parcel. But aren't they cute??
Have I even mentioned the whole scout thing in here? I feel like I probably only plurked it. Sim Scouts is a fun thing for the kids in SL to do. It's like Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts/Camp Fire. There are 6 troops with an average of 20 kids in each group and each troop meets for an hour on their meeting day. Lolita and Takeo are the troop leaders for the Bumblebees, and I'm the den mommy! They come up with all the stuff to do, and my job is to pass out band-aids and give hugs and also bring snacks. Tonight we had cupcakes and lemonade!
I think the kids really enjoyed the hour. I know I had a lot of fun listening to them laughing and coming up with answers to the "Getting To Know You" questions.
But... The troops and the leaders need new uniforms! Their shirts just don't fit very well at all for any of them, and the sashes are hard to edit. Makes me wish I knew how to do mesh. I'd whip them up something new in a heartbeat. But I guess for one day a week, it's okay. And being a den mommy, I don't have to wear the uniform shirt anyway, soooo... there's that. :)
Heya! I was just wondering if you have or know where to find more information about the Sim Scouts program? HUgs!
Hi! Open registration isn't going on any more, but you can send an IM to OliverRed Resident or Revy Cortes and they can help you out. You can also check out the Facebook page, although it hasn't been updated since earlier this month. :) https://www.facebook.com/SimScouts
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