As always, Thursdays are BUMBLEBEE night! We start off every meeting with some exercise!

Tonight was Space Night! Takeo taught us all of the planets [even the dirty sounding one] and Lolita told a space story about aliens! Takeo and I helped during the story by doing some moves. I think we're just this much closer to Broadway, really. After the story, we gathered up our little Bumblebees and headed off into space!

I don't know how other troops do it, but we always have a snack at the end of the meeting. Since I'm the den mommy, I always get to come up with the snack. And tonight's snack was milkshakes!

Even though it was Bumblebee night, it was also PACKING NIGHT! I started packing before the meeting tonight. I SWEAR, everything is absolutely necessary. I mean, we're going to be gone from tomorrow night until next Thursday!

After the meeting, I went to see how Abby was doing with her packing. All of this is also necessary. Including the 25 pairs of underpants she's bringing. *snickers*

Before it was time for her to go to bed, she wanted to take a few things down. I just didn't realize HOW she planned on getting things down the stairs.

Aldwyn says she is totally my child.
But little girls need their rest, so we put her to bed so she can be bright-eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow. I ran down to the car to put a few things down. I think we might be in need of a bigger car soon.

By the time Aldwyn brought a couple of suitcases down, I had gotten my innertube strapped to the top of the car. I think he didn't quite understand the whole packing business. But REALLY...really... All of this is necessary!

Tomorrow is going to be so so fun!
1 comment:
*laughing* OMG I love you guys so much! Vacation time tomorrow!! Bahamas here we come! Love you
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