Hump Day party tonight at 8pm SLT! The theme is FOOD, and that can mean wearing it, holding it, or being it. LOL
We'll be in the Party Ball tonight. I'm sorry, I wanted to make a great food themed room, but this time of year makes me feel really tired physically and I may end up needing a nap before the party so I can keep up with all of you!! The party ball is good, right? :)
Hope to see you there!!
And now enjoy a really funny little clip I found of "Eat It," unplugged!
Yay!!! The party ball is perfect! Thank you in advance for hosting us all!!
lol weird Al is really hot...
Oh God, I know the world doesn't revolve around me and a lot of my friends don't have time to read my blog, but I really hope my (now-deleted) emo-drenched blog post wailing about food and how friggin' hungry I am now that I'm unemployed did not inspire this week's party theme. I wrote it in a weak moment and I'm so embarrassed. :(
But if so, I guess I deserve it. I apologize for that post. It was soaked in "woe is me" and it was pathetic and lame.
I slapped myself hard in the face and went out and charged $150 worth of groceries after I deleted that post. Thank God my MasterCard still thinks I'm gainfully employed.
**wanders off to cook some chicken**
LOL! No no, Erinn. Trust me, it had nothing to do with you. It was suggested at the last party or the one before that because of whipped cream or candy. :)
I've missed so many of these lately!! I'll try not to be such an antisocial loner.
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