Thanks again to those who came. I apologize again [even though people said I didn't have to] for being so quiet and relying on Cen more than usual as the hostess. The change in seasons is really hard on me for some unknown reason and I've been so incredibly tired. Plus I've got some other things going on that I don't really need to discuss, but they are making me feel down. Cen asked me if I wanted to cancel tonight, but I said no. I just couldn't cancel. These parties and the people who come to them cheer me up. :)
But I am very tired, so here's a few pics I was able to snap. Remember we have a Flickr group now for the Hump Day parties, so if you want to join and post your pics there, you're more than welcome to.

LMAO @ the sandwich and the Kool-Aid Man!
Shoot - now I want Kool Aid.
I'm sorry to hear that you are laden with woes. Let me know if I can help.
Sounds like I missed a great party! The change of seasons affects me in a similar way, just saps my energy and puts me in a weird funk.
Hope you feel better soon, and I hope to make the next Hump Day party :)
OMG!! I love everyone's costumes!! I was absolutely devastated that I had to miss the party because my internet was down. I hope everyone had fun and knows that I was there in spirit!
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