It was super fun and it was good to get together with a lot of people that we don't always get to meet. The funniest part is that most of us have each other on plurk lists or blog rolls, but it's VERY rare that we ever meet in world! Isn't that nuts? So it was nice to finally meet a few people that I have long admired for their writings, like Night Morrisey! Of course, I was supposed to have a date, but I believe a certain cute girl took up his evening. :) She is way cuter than me, so I don't mind. I had lots of fun dancing with my girls on top of a big record!
I did take some pics, but I want to apologize in advance for the quality. I am working off of a completely fresh hard drive because I got some kind of virus over the past weekend, which I think I had mentioned before. So I had to reinstall SL, and in doing so, I forgot to choose high-res snapshots. :( And not only that, but I don't have Photoshop to fix them up. So basically what you see is what you get. LOL I'll share just a few right now.

If you want to check out the rest, head on over to the Flickr set I made for the party. :)
I'm tired and have to get up early in the morning, so I guess it's time for me to call it a night!
Oh! Those are great! Thank you for taking them and for posting them!! We were so happy that you came to the party!
I have got to do something about my hair. It is so dated.
Seriously, thanks for the plug!
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