Am I shrinking and don't realize it? Or do heels really give me THAT much height? I've been wearing flats a lot more recently. I haven't changed my shape at all. Maybe I need milk or something. LOL
Btw, that's Gauge's new mainstore location. His store is called +blacklisted+ and he sells some cool shirts for men & women, and some lingerie for women. I'll be blogging his shirts soon, when I get out of this slump. :)
I've been continuing working on my yard for the house the past couple of days. It's slow going because I'm so picky about most things. I want it all JUST right...or at least as close as it can be to just right. I would almost pay someone at this point to just fix the yard for me!
But speaking of that, it's back to work. I WILL get this done this weekend so I can stop thinking about it!
shawty *grins*
You're not short. He's tall.
The perspective shown by the camera angle is favoring Gauge. Moving it to the front would give you your full height. Swinging it to your side a bit, would look better.
Sculptie shoes make a huge difference in height by adding not only the heel height, but air under it. We can't see it, but our flat foot is still there.
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