But, there is fun to be had at MM boards. You can stick around and see when it goes into lockdown, talk to people, and just chill. Unfortunately, for a GOOD MM board, or a prize that people really really want, the scene sometimes just looks like this as it gets closer to midnight.
I'll say this right now... Fug loves a MM board. LOL! Seriously, go hang out at one sometime. It gets bad! Tyson and I like to sit on top of this one and cheer when people get on the board. We REALLY wanted these dinosaurs!!! Instead, mostly we saw stuff like this.
If you look at the ears of the girl who wouldn't rez in the pink thing, they were blinging for all they were worth. For some reason, bling always shows up even when their faces do not.
The funniest/most irritating part of the MM boards are the self-appointed MM Police. The ones who stand around screaming for people to leave once they've hit the board to try to lessen lag, even though they themselves are still there. Or the ones who try to control the situation by telling people who can hit the board when. And then there's the ones who tell everyone who hits it, regardless of where the person is standing, that they're now on the board. One girl was very much doing this last night. Now please notice the time stamp of one of her first comments.
[2009/09/25 23:29] Dixiecupp Denimore: I guess all of us who already hit it should probably leave.... to let the sim stabilize for other people to hit the board!!!!
Did she leave? Nope. She kept telling people every time they hit the board.
Dixiecupp got miffed because we did not appreciate her policing the MM board and the sim in general. Poor baby.
Anyway, help me get that brontosaurus, please, by going to slap the board at Neon Frog. I don't care if you don't need a dinosaur right NOW, you might need it later!! :)
It's not a gym day, but it is treadmill time! :)
heeh i was just at this board...i'll have to go back at midnite to see if i win!!
that would have been the most comical thing to witness. Ever.
lol I saw that when I was there, her play-by-play of the board. if she really thought she was being helpful she would have shouted. if you're in hearing range of her dumbass, you can hear the board too. love the way y'all took the wind out of her, too funny.
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