Last weekend was camp registration day! We kid around and say it's like The Hunger Games, but really, is IS serious business! We had 8 kids to get into camp this year, and not all of them could be online at the sign up times, so we were all trying to get to the location to sign up!

And yes. That is my husband in the Speedy Gonzales avatar. He thought it would help him zip through.
It did not. *laughs*
Thankfully, we had friends who had a LOT better luck than we had in getting to the sign up locations. We all tried and tried and tried. I swear, this was my screen for at least 30 minutes.

But with the help of our friends and family, we managed to get all of our kids into camp! Camp letters are starting to arrive, so soon I'll have pics of the girls getting their letters! And bunk making starts soon! Today they find out what cabin they are in. Keep your fingers crossed that my girls get in the same cabin, please!!
After all the excitement of registration, the rest of the week was quiet. The best time for me was one evening when we got to sit around on Abby's build platform and be on skype while I told them all a story.

Of course, the story was crazy and really not for kids, but they enjoyed it anyway. :)
I already had breakfast today, but I think I'm about to be a hobbit and have 2nd breakfast because I've been distracted through this whole post, as small as it is, with how my stomach is rumbling again.