Why do my boobs have to be SO HUGE?
Of course, that's a question I keep asking as I look at Flickr or the feeds lately. Prim boobs are all the rage lately. I get it, I guess. They are usually nicer shaped than the regular avatar boobs. But do they have to be so ENORMOUS? If having huge breasts is the only thing you can think of to show off... Well, I just don't know.
The worst part of this whole boob thing lately is the fact that sooooo many women want to show them off without any clothes. I'm sorry, I don't need to see your nipples parading around all over the place. And I MOST DEFINITELY don't need to see all the bodily fluids dripping that seem to accompany these photos lately.
In fact, that may be the worst thing that's come out of this whole boob thing. WHY are people dripping with jizz and spit and whatever? It's just SO unattractive! Call me a prude, but if I had to choose between being a prude and being a huge fake boobed cum bucket, I'll go with prude every single time.
At least my Skyrim character isn't dripping with anything. And I'm fairly sure if she tried, she could knock down a draugr with one breast.
Alicia I agree with you at 200%
Yes, 200%
I agree too - you put your point of view across so well (and gave me a laugh) :)
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