Me? Not so much.
In my physical world, it's hard for me to get my hair cut. I will agonize about it for weeks, months, beforehand. I will let it get too long. I will scour magazines for hairstyles that I think are cute. I will drive past salons and think about going in. And then one day I will bite the bullet, RUN in somewhere, and let someone take hold of my hair. And then I will cry.
The same is kind of true for me and skins in Second Life. I will think about it. I will look at blogs, at my friends. I will grab hundreds of demos. [Once I boxed up all my demos that I'd collected in a 2 month period. It was over 3000. I wish I was lying.] I will try them on over and over and over. I will beat myself up because my avatar simply doesn't handle most skins very well in the face. And then, if I'm feeling brave, I will run out, grab a skin, and race home. And then I will feel buyers remorse because suddenly, my look has changed.
I don't know why I have a problem changing. It's not like I am any different. It's still just me, in a new skin.
I've been wearing my Kimberly skins from Free Speerit since they came out. I love them. They've been me since I started wearing them. But in the past few months, the trend in skins has been changing to these younger looking, super full pucker mouth skins. [Yes, Gala Phoenix, I'm looking at you.] And that's cool and all, but with my shape, the skins simply haven't been working. And believe me, I've demoed them a LOT. It started to get to the point of me hating when my friends would start dancing about a new skin release. I wanted to look younger, like them, but it just wasn't happening.
I was becoming more and more upset with my look, but I couldn't change. The most important thing for me is to still LOOK like me. Just...a better me.
Over the past couple of weeks, I've been grabbing demos from pretty much any store I come across. Tonight I stood on my posestand and started going through them. And Noel, bless him, he sat right there with me and gave opinions and watched as I put on probably eleventy-billion skins. As we narrowed it down, I kept asking him questions. Did I still look like me? Did I look like a model? Did I look like someone who you would believe when I suggest fashion to you? Do I look like an emptyheaded stripper or do I look smart? Finally we got it down to one skin. And I wore the demo for about an hour, trying on different clothes with it. [Are you as exhausted as I am at this point?]
While he took a brief break, I ran out to the store, gagged a little at the price [$1490L for one skin?! Are you freaking kidding me???], bit the bullet, and bought it.
Blondie, makeup 2, from Laqroki.
That photo is completely untouched, btw, besides cropping it.
I don't know. Is it still me? As soon as I got back home, I had buyers remorse. I started thinking about how I should be saving money for tier, or how many other things I could buy. I started thinking that I didn't look like me anymore. I started thinking that I looked silly, airheaded, like I should be twirling my hair and talking about how I love unicorns and kittens.
But I do kind of like it. It's not perfect. There are a couple of things I'd change, if I could. But it does make me look a little younger, a little more fresh. And I guess that's really what I was going for.
Maybe one day I'll be as carefree with skins as my friends are. Maybe I won't cringe and beat myself up everytime I put on a different skin. Maybe I'll learn to just buy skins because they really are pretty and I won't be so hypercritical.
YOU will always be YOU regardless of how you dress up the package. You need to relax and stop being so critical of yourself. I guarantee if you where 5'1" and not so goddamn flaca...O.o People would notice for a minute and be like, ok that's cool. Anyhow, the new skin is very cute, and you still look like you.
It is a nice fresh skin Aly; it looks good on you.
I feel for you. I'm exactly the same way. I found my skin on the internet before I logged on for the first time! I would love a fresher complexion, but none of the ones I've tried look like the RL me, and the old one does.
I love it. You look so beautiful!
Which means you look exactly like you...
*sobs* my little Ali is growing up
I feel exactly the same way about skins. I can only wear Eloh mods or my face just feels wrong. However, when I see other people wearing different skins, they always look like themselves. In this case, you definitely look the same. I think when we're looking at ourselves it's easier to go OMG THAT'S NOT ME, but other people see us just the same. :]
Good post, skins are always difficult to choose, but I wouldn't follow the fashion...
In my personal opinion now that I see the truth photo you posted I think is more beauty, you seem a woman with style.
In these photos you are like any other of the 10000 avatars that wears laqroki, is why I don't like fashion...
And you look yonger but also more plastic and like a doll, that it's cute if it's what you search, but what I said, I think the other it makes you more different from other avatars and gives you more personality. I suppose is what your post is about,follow the fashion and be a doll or not.
Looking at your photos you are preaty in all the skins, and all are very good anyway.
I don't know if this opinion will help you, maybe the best is ask men hehehe
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