Last night Sophia & Skyhawke showed me their new kayaking stuff that they bought for their island. It's no big secret that in the physical world, I'm NOT outdoorsy and I'm NOT very athletic. I have never once been camping. I even asked to stay out in my backyard when I was a kid, and my mom thought I was nuts. Sky is, however, one of those crazy Ironman athletic types who just this past summer paddled for miles and miles and miles down a river in a kayak. I tease and call him and Sophia "hobos" that go sleep outside and eat beans that they cook in a tin can, but I completely admire them for their love of the outdoors. Even if I do think that they look like this while out there:
I kid, I kid.
They said I could come over and use their kayak stuff whenever I wanted, so late last night when I was supposed to be taking blog pics for my review blog, I wandered back over and decided to paddle around. It was really so peaceful and I got to think while I paddled around enjoying the scenery.
After I finished my ride, I was looking for a good place for a full body shot and then I discovered something. They were holding out on me!!
So naturally I had to go skydiving. Or parachuting. Whatever.
Although I know that SL kayaking is probably nothing at all like the real thing, I did really enjoy it and will probably be bouncing over to Sacred often to paddle around. In many ways, it's better for me than the real thing because if this had been in the physical world, I would have probably only gotten slightly away from the dock before my arms started hurting, or I'd get my big butt stuck in the kayak, or I would have rolled over and went head first into the water.
But at least I probably wouldn't have done wheelies on my head.
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