That's me trying to decide if I want to have a drink tonight. I'm not much of a drinker, but I might have something tonight. Maybe.
Unless something else comes up, I officially have no more scheduled events for the rest of the year. That is so weird! Right now I'm thinking it's really nice. But give me a couple of days and I'll be itching to do something.
Something that is happening at the beginning of the year... I'm officially stepping down as a Fug writer. It's something I've been thinking of for...well, months. It's not that I can't handle it, or that I can't handle all the people who [usually hypocritically] slam me for doing it. It's more that after doing it for a year, I think I'm just done. I will always look for beauty in Second Life. I will always love beautiful clothing and proportionate shapes, and dislike bling and heel clicks and that AO with the ass sticking out. But I'm done. I will be putting out the call for new writers at the beginning of the year [there are several who have told me they'd love to do it], and I'll remain on as the blog admin and maybe do a few tutorials here and there, but as far as writing about fashion disasters... I'm done. I had a BLAST working on the blog. Especially during the summer! But all good things come to an end eventually, and so has my time writing about other peoples' fashion disasters.
I'm a little tired and cold right now, so I think I'm going to wrap myself up in a big blanket and settle down here to IM some people and bother them.
Oh, but since I haven't in a long time, here's a song that's been in my head the past few nights. It's old. More than 70 years old. But it's always been one of my favorites.
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