Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 174 - Like Sister Wives, But Better.

I'm sad again today. Another one of my plurk friends, Erica Harcourt, passed away. She was only 30. I wasn't super close to her and I won't pretend to be, but she was a kind person to me. Back in January when I was really sick, she sent me some texts just to check up on me. She was a good person, and she will be very much missed.

But it certainly makes you appreciate your remaining friends a lot more when you lose one...or the course of a week. I told my plurk friends to promise me that they'll take care of themselves this year - I really couldn't stand to lose anyone else.

Like I mentioned yesterday, Ulaa, Aldwyn and I finally got together to take our holiday picture. Well, as Ulaa put it, "We should take our asshole Christmas picture." LOL!!

As we were getting ready to pose, I said it looked like a big cold orgy. She said I was the cream in the Oreo. Either way, this is what came out.

Day 174 - Like Sister Wives, But Better

Everyone's ass looks huge in this picture.

I don't even know, y'all. I don't even know.

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