The biggest surprise to me is that I HAVE gotten shorter since last year. 12cm shorter by what the avatar ruler tells me. 19 points shorter by the shape maker! I was at 45 on the shape slider last year. But I think I must have done that to stay around the same height even though my torso got longer. [Someone came up behind me while I was changing one day and asked "Why is your av's torso so short?" I didn't realize that it was, but I guess it was short enough for him to notice!]
This this round of digits is about proportions, Berry has some questions.
1. Do you try and keep your avatar’s body proportionate and similar to the “average” proportions pictured above? [Above meaning a proportions guide that she has on her blog.]
I like things to be fairly proportionate on myself. My avatar is a slimmer, more petite girl because that's how I like her to be. That's how she FEELS to me because if I were not battling a massive weight issue in my RL, I think my shape would be more similar to my avatar's. Well, except for that my avatar has long legs and a bigger chest. But you know...other than THAT. LMAO I don't think my avatar is EXACTLY proportionate, but to me she looks just about right.
2. What do you dislike the most about the SL avatar mesh?
I'm not fond of our legs. I think when you increase the fat on your legs, your knee fat and ankle fat should increase, too, and they don't. Your thighs get fat, your calves get bigger, but your knees and ankles stay the same size and it just looks flippin' CRAZY.
3. Does it bother you when you see other avatars that are not proportionate at all?
Ehhh.... not bother me in a huge way, but I prefer not to see it. I like my SLife to be beautiful, and someone who is 8 feet tall with 100 max slider boobs, T-Rex arms, a thigh gap you could drive an 18-wheeler through, and a baby head is not beautiful to me. But to be honest, unless their shape IS just that messed up, I don't really notice anything wrong. I'm usually just looking at myself most of the time.
4. Even though this is a virtual world and people can be anything they want to be, do you feel when they are in human form, they should try to keep their proportions close to average?
It's SL. Look how you want to look. Just be aware that how your avatar looks is how you're presenting yourself to the virtual world and people might think something about it, or even not want to get to know you because you look crazypants, OR because you look proportionate and lovely and they think you're a vain sell out. That happens, too.
Thanks for another fun meme, Berry!! ♥
That's it, I'm totally making myself 8 feet tall now and putting my boob sliders on 100!
I'm with you about the knee and ankle thing! Next blog challenge we should all make shapes of our nightmare avs!
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