So my husband, bless his heart, has to put up with me being a blogger. And not just a regular blogger, but a
fashion blogger, which is pretty scary. It means any gifts he buys me, he has to first double check that I haven't gotten it from a review pack. It means almost anywhere he goes in our home or on our land, he's stumbling over posestands and wondering why a tent would be half embedded in a tree. [It's for a picture, honey! That's how it looked best!] It means that no matter how many platforms or blogger rooms I have, he's likely to log in in the middle of a pile of boxes because I tend to just open stuff wherever I'm standing. And worst of all, sometimes he logs in for a relaxing evening with me and immediately I'm telling him to change his clothes and get on a poseball. Tonight I had to tell him "I hate your feet. I'm putting us in the water so your feet don't show."
But, to his credit, he humors me and so we set upon an epic adventure of tinting some new feet he bought. Aldwyn has never had to tint feet before, so it WAS an adventure! I SO SO SO hope that one day, men have wonderful mesh parts like we women do and the appliers, too! [Well, mesh hands and feet. They already have...other parts.]
It's not a perfect match, of course, because tinting rarely is given that you don't get JUST the right shade or highlights, but it's close enough!
This isn't the photo that I was planning on using for the fashion blog, by the way. That one hasn't been edited yet because I'm super lazy. Lazy fashion bloggers 4/Life!
By the way, if you see Aldwyn out and about, feel free to give him gifts. He totally deserves them for putting up with me. LOL!
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