So with my two loves tucked in, I meant to start in on decorating our kitchen. But instead, I decided to just sit with a nice cup of tea and be quiet for a while.
I've been slowly decorating our home for Christmas, but goodness. What does a person have to do to get a really awesome mesh wreath that is modify?? I got the cutest wreath at Follow Us, but I guess I didn't read the ad right because it was no mod and just too small for over the fireplace. I wish someone would do a deco mesh wreath. I make them in RL [yep, I make mesh stuff in RL. LOL!] and I'd love to have a good one in SL. Do any of you have ideas of where to get a really fabulous Christmas wreath? The one we have now is okay. It's decent looking and mesh and very low land impact. But it's just not EXACTLY what I want.
My tea mug is empty and I'm yawning. I think it's time to snuggle on into bed.
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