Earlier this afternoon, my sister sent us a message and asked if we wanted to go to Havenhollow tonight. Havenhollow is an interactive neighborhood where you can go trick-or-treating! I was totally down for it, so I made sure to get a costume together. I had some time before we were going to get together, so I threw a picture together.
We had SUCH a good time at Havenhollow! I would have gotten some pics but my computer kinda sucks so I had to keep my settings super super low. If you have Lolita on plurk, she posted some great pictures. :) Like this one!
Trick or treating was super super fun. But the poor kids, Abby and Raven, got tricked a lot! LOL! After Raven got bitten by spiders and a zombie, Takeo said they were just going to Heritage afterwards to get a new son! But we did get some candy, and Floam, and tennis balls.
The cool part is when you take a flashlight and head through the woods to a spoooooky big house! Oh my gosh, running through the woods was CRAZY! We were screaming and laughing so much! And the house is crazy spooky with ghosts and spiders and all kinds of stuff! If you go through, be sure to sit at the vanity in one of the bedrooms!
I don't know if December is going to let us take Abby out any more, though. I mean, yeah, she got some candy, but she got peed on and her face fell off and she got lost a few times. We're pretty much the best godfamily ever. Aldwyn was actually way better at keeping track of Abby and Raven than the rest of us were. My sister and I were too busy screaming and running!!
But no matter what, be sure to get to the basement in the spooky house. There are goodies!
It really was just the most awesome evening and I was so so happy to spend it with my family. My cheeks honestly hurt from laughing and smiling so much! This was just what I needed and the perfect way to end the night. ♥
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