I feel kind of bad that we didn't put together a Halloween party for Bluebonnet this year. We used to have a party every year, or at least I would be DJing one, but there wasn't time this year for me to put anything together. If there are any family friendly parties going on, I'd love to stop by. From what I've seen of the parties so far, there's a lot of naked. LOL! Which has its place, don't get me wrong! But I haven't been in the naked mood lately.
I think this week I'm going to devote some time to working in Hexagon again. I've been wanting to, but I just haven't had the time. And we need a dining room table. Not that there's not a million out there, but I can't find one that really fits my vision. But...we'll see. It might just be easier to buy one. :)
Ugh, so tired. Goodnight!
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