Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It seems like I've been celebrating Halloween for the past week. LOL But I wanted to wish all my readers and friends a very happy Halloween, or Samhain, if that's your preference! :)

Tomorrow begins my 30 Days of Blogs & Thanks, so this blogpost is going to be cut short. If anyone else wants to join me on my personal little challenge, I'd enjoy the company! But I know many people are also participating in NaNoWriMo, which I myself was a proud participant in for about 5 years, and well - that's just a lot of writing! :) We wouldn't want to have to dub November as International Carpal Tunnel Month.

Anyway, have fun and be safe tonight, and don't worry, I checked under the bed and in the closet - no boogeymen to get you tonight. :)

My Maggie Linden Halloween bear

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