Pork chop sandwiches!
[10 points if you caught that reference.]
Speaking of Canadians, I feel like I kind of need to bring something up because I was checking my Google Analytics last night and something came to my attention yet again. As most people know, CeNedra left SL in the spring. I was not informed of it any more than any of you were. She has deleted her blog and her SL account. I do not know why or what her reasons were. I know her RL became very busy with her boyfriend and her child and her job, but that's all I know. I have no contact with her whatsoever. I also do not have any contact with Dyami and have not for quite some time. So to whoever keeps pairing their names together and looking for them - stop it. You're not going to find anything because as far as Second Life goes, neither of them exist anymore. Please quit googling them and causing their names to pop up in my analytics. I miss the both of them dearly, but I respect their decisions to leave Second Life, whatever the reasons behind their leaving may be. I also respect their decision to not tell me why they were leaving, or to have contact with me or basically any of their former friends again. That is their story, not mine or anyone elses'. I wish the both of them well in their lives and will always hold a place for them in my heart. And that is probably the last time they will ever be mentioned in my blog again, so you can quit searching for them now.
It's been dreary in my physical world lately. I have not seen more than 5 minutes of sunshine in about the last 2 weeks, which makes me quite grumpy and sad. The autumn & winter season usually does that to me anyway, but I'm lucky enough to live in a place where usually there's some sunshine. Not so lately and man, am I feeling it. I'm irritable and weepy and bitchy constantly. I'm SO sorry if you IM me and I rip your head off for nothing lately. Supposedly we're supposed to have sunshine on Thursday, so cross your fingers.
But since it's been so rainy here, I wanted to do a rainy day shot in SL. SL is actually a great help for me, usually, with the sunshine issue. I can turn the sun up and run around in the ocean and that makes me feel better most of the time. But today, rain. I have several umbrellas in my inventory, but no real poses for them. Turning to plurk to get some ideas, Rosie Shark told me about, and then showed me, the Paraplu umbrella & AO from Torridwear. It was exactly what I needed!!
I really like the way the pic came out. It might look different on your screen, but that's your monitor's fault.
I'm almost pro on Wii bowling, so I think I'll go back to that now.
Wii Bowling!! Oooo what are you playing just Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort, Wii Sports resort is so fun. I was crying laughing trying to canoe with my brother the other night.
Wii is so Fun!
We have just Wii Sports, but my RL bestie has the Resort and we couldn't stop laughing with the canoe game! Especially since we didn't realize we were first doing the neverending practice round! LOL!!
I didn't know about Canadians celebrating Thanksgiving either... until I started dating one!!
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