I love ballet. From the time I could walk, I was striking ballet poses. My mom said she didn't know where I'd learned them, I just DID them. I have a love of pretty much all dance, but ballet is special to me. Although I was given everything I wanted as a child, I was never taken to ballet classes because it was simply not convenient. I often think my life would have been a lot different it if had been more convenient. :) This is why I always push my friends with children to pay attention to what talents or passions their children have.
Anyway, ballet - love. :) I've done the New York City Ballet Workout, I've watched Center Stage about 50 million times, and I'm probably one of the few people who actually loved the Macaulay Culkin version of The Nutcracker.
I have BEGGED shoemakers in SL for ages and ages to please create REAL pointe shoes. Ballet flats are fine and I have a lot of them, but I wanted actual blocked toe pointe shoes that were slender and cute. But I always got the same excuse - "Well, you'd need a separate AO for them and I can't be bothered for a niche product." Pfft to that.
So I was SUPER excited when Quaintly showed the new Bare Rose ballet toe shoes!
Soooo perfect!! And I didn't need a separate AO at all. I've been dancing around all day. The set comes with pink and white pointe shoes and outfits to match, which you can see on Quaintly's blog. But I chose to wear the "Alicia" ballet outfit that my friend QueenKellee Kuu created last year because I'd expressed a desire for a cute ballet outfit. Kellee's been stuck in the physical world lately and we don't get to see her much these days, but I still adore this outfit and am grateful she created it for me. :)
Ballet is one of those things that requires a LOT of hard work to present seemingly effortless beauty. It's something that I relate to, and admire, and respect a great deal. It takes a lot of determination to work that hard to achieve elegance and grace.
So that's my Love Thursday, almost late, but still in. :)
And even ballerinas sometimes need someone to pick them up and rest. <3
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