I was talking to...uh, we'll just call him "Big Name Designer" last night about this whole boycott thing. BND is VERY often stolen from, but he doesn't let him stop him from working. We had a long discussion about it and BND made a whole lot more sense to me than a lot of this stuff that's been thrown in our faces lately. I don't often feel like I can say a whole lot about what's going on because I'm not a creator and I really only shop lately at stores that I know, but hey, if BND [and others like him] feel like this isn't the way to go, then maybe it isn't? I don't know. All I know is that I like to shop, and if I'm shopping at stores that I know and trust, then it's all good.
That little opinion break over, let's move on.
Yesterday I went to the Merry Christmas sim! Winterstock 2009 opens up today and you all just have to go if you love the holidays and love shopping for winter clothing as much as I do. The place is really built beautifully. People were still setting up yesterday when I went, but hopefully most should be finished with setting up today. Let's see pictures!
The main street of the sim.
Look, it's SySy's shop! SySy and I are divas together over on Facebook. I'm a bigger diva than she is, but her farm is way better. LOL
I have a HUGE love of snowglobes!
Ooh, it's Shiryu's store! I was really surprised at how many people I know had shops & booths out there. Thank God for plurk. It's allowed me to become friends with so many people I would have been too shy to talk to before.
Oh, just chillin' with the snowpeople. :)
And a big ferris wheel!! I'm in one of those seats, but you can't see me. I couldn't figure out how to stop the ferris wheel once I got it started, so I had to make a flying leap for it to get out. Sometimes, I'm just like a superhero. LOL!
I'm not in world so I can't give you the SLurl, but just open up your map and type in Merry Christmas and you'll find the sim. :) Several of the shops have gifts too, like at Sn@tch and Stellar Designs, so check that out. And if you think it's still too early for Christmas... well, don't go until next month. :-D
Ali's Thanks of the Day: I'm thankful for creators in SL who are not only richly talented, but absolutely sweet. They make my life so much better just by waking up every morning.
I haven't been over to SySy's to model for a while. I wonder if I'm fired! :-O
I'm one of those people who sort of needs a schedule. Left to my own devices, l'll make well-laid plans, but then scoot them around.
I'm excited for Christmas. We need a little Christmas this year. I'm waiting for the SL snow. It's my favorite time in SL.
That is such a cute coat, where is it from- (is it stealing if I steal your look?)
Amie - The coat is from Bublee Bing. :) If you look over on my fashion blog, I blogged it yesterday. I LOVE it, it's really really pretty!
Em - The weather predicts a snowfall for Bluebonnet the day after Thanksgiving! :-D
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