So, as into buying prefabs as I am, I find myself in the position of not having much that works down on the ground. I'm really more into buying skyboxes, I guess. I want a pretty house, that has nice textures, doesn't have a lot of alpha glitches [or texture glitches, for that matter], that is spacious and open, but with defined rooms, and preferably with a porch and hopefully doesn't cost half a month's tier, since I do change houses on a regular basis. You'd think with so many builders in SL, I'd be able to find something decent. I have been scouring the XStreet listings for 2 days. Everytime I see something I might like, I check and see if they have a demo rezzed anywhere at their store. I have been to SO many prefab shops tonight! For people who think that listing their products on XStreet doesn't work...let me tell you, it does. Without it, I never would have found even HALF the stores I went to tonight.
I don't know, I think I might just be OVERLY picky. I've gotten a load of freebie/cheapie houses just to check out layouts and styles.
I kind of like this vintage/coastal style.
But of course, I also love a good southern style too, with a big porch.
I've seen good houses, I've seen really horrible houses. I've seen houses that were barely textured, and I've seen them textured within an inch of their lives. [Hey, not every prim needs a different floral/striped/polka dot texture.] I've seen some cute and very inexpensive houses, and I've seen some where you really wonder if the creator honestly thinks that their library textured box with a door cut into it is worth $5000L.
But what I haven't seen is MY house. My perfect house that would make me happy to decorate and stay in. I'm home 95% of the time, my house must be somewhere I feel comfortable in. And yes, I still have my gorgeous house Noel built for me and Sophia decorated for me. But that is my private space in the air. I need a home for the ground and so far, I just haven't found the right one.
I think I know what this means...
I may actually have to build my own. :( not going to be pretty.
And that's exactly why I've started to build my own too, Ali! I'm not only picky about textures... I'm highly picky about prims too. It makes me wince to see a 134 prim house. I couldn't fit that on my land :P
With anonymous comments off, you'll be seeing me comment under a strange name a lot. I'm always logged into this google account and don't usually switch just to comment :)
You can do it! Yes you can! If Alicia can't build a super-dooper-cute-prim-house no one can! YAYAYAYAY!!!
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