I won't be sorry to see November gone. And it'll kind of be nice to not have to force myself to write everyday. But truthfully? I'll miss doing it each and every day. Although, with the 365 Day picture thing, I'll still be posting something, but you know, it's not the same.
So more work was done to my new place today. I am so so happy with the outside! The biggest problem is that I don't have a wall to sit on anymore, though. LOL! I need to dig through all my furniture and see what I have as far as couches and chairs go. Adorable Wilma came over and she made Christmas explode on my front lawn, so now I have even more decorations! However, I need a really pretty indoor Christmas tree. Does anyone know where I can find one? I would kind of prefer a sculpted one or a well made prim one. But mostly I want it pretty.
I also spent some time fixing up the little holiday area. Please feel free to come by Bluebonnet and skate on the pond or sit on Santa's lap. He's in the gingerbread house. I even have a little train you can ride around a tree, but it's not very pretty, so I'm going to get another one I saw somewhere...if I can remember where I saw it.
And hey, you can even skate with a snowman. :)
Ali's Thanks of the Day: Good or bad, I'm thankful for this blog. It's helped me through a LOT of stuff.
MB CreationZ has lots of cute stuff at their christmas shop :)
Bethany put a great rideable train out at The Loft, but I can't remember where she got it.
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